Wind turbine at Great Marston Farm, Risbury, HR6 0NJ

The application for a wind turbine at Great Marston Farm, Risbury, HR6 0NJ, application P133481/F for an Endurance wind turbine E 3120  46.3m (152 ft) to blade tip, has still not been decided by the planning authority Herefordshire Council.

It is at Grid Ref. SO575 550  and is only 55m from the bridleway in direct conflict with BHS advice.  This is an important regional route and the minimum safety distance recommended by the BHS who are the experts is 200m.  If this is consented it puts all other bridleway users  in danger as it will become a precedent for developers to put turbines close to equestrian routes.

If you value the bridleway networks please support the BHS advice .  Councils are ignoring it with the result of bridleways and their access roads becoming no-go areas for equestrians, and  safe  as off road routes only for cyclists and walkers only. If you have not already done so please send in an objection as soon as possible and if you have, please email or phone the planning authority  and ask that it be posted on the Council website.

The Planning Officer is Mr A prior at Planning Services, Blueschool House, Blueschool Street, Hereford HR1 2ZB    main telephone number  01432 260000
