Horse owners – be vigilant around Monmouth area

A quick note for all in and around Monmouth. A horse owner went to feed her horses on the afternoon of 29th December at approx 4:30 pm. There was a man standing next to the electric tape in the field calling the horses over. Up on to the road there was a pick up truck with horse box attached. As he saw her walking towards him he jumped the gate and got in his truck to drive off.  She was unable to get a reg number as it was to far away.

She has, however, informed the police and they will be doing checks to make sure he will not return.

This vigilant horse owner has done her best to ring round everyone she knows with horses in the area as there may be a chance he will be after others. So, please please keep an eye out.  The truck was a dark open black truck, with a dark horse box not a new one.  He was wearing a black wool hat, black wool jumper and dark trousers. Approx late forties, early fifties and scruffy!

We suggest you have your horses microchipped as this gives proof of ownership in the event of your horse being stolen!